Man Who Died 8 Years Ago Seen Walking in Glen View
Never Chavhunduka is believed to have 'died' 8 years ago.

Dead man seen walking in Glen View 1. A 36-year-old man got the shock of his life on Saturday after he bumped into a long-time friend he had been made to believe was dead 8 years ago.
Jaw Breaker almost collapsed when he saw Never Chavhunduka, who is popularly known as Wastaki at Gazaland Shops in Highfield, after he was made to believe his pal died in 2015. Chavhunduka’s friend even collected chema money from colleagues and other close individuals.
Breaker accused an unnamed kombi conductor of fraudulently collecting the money meant for chema.
“As kombi drivers, we heard that Wastaki died under mysterious circumstances in 2015 and his close friend collected chema.”
On Saturday, Breaker saw Chavhunduka walking, and it left him shell-shocked. Jaw Breaker said:
“I was drinking beer and saw Mudhara Wastaki, who is a former kombi driver, from a distance, I was left in shock. I called him several times to ensure I was not dreaming, but it appeared as if he was ignoring me.
“He then stopped and shook my hand saying, ‘mupfana wakura, Jaw Breaker wandiziva sei? Mira ipapo usabva’. He then offered to buy me a pint of beer.
“I was scared kuti chipoko hachisikuda kuzivikanwa and asked my friend, Simbarashe, to follow him after telling him that Wastaki died kudhara.”
“I wanted to go and look for his family, but I did not know his real name, although his family was supposed to know kuti mudhara wavo arikutambira kubhawa kwaGazaland.
“To make matters worse, Simbarashe failed to locate Wastaki and I was convinced that he was a ghost and had disappeared.”
Simbarashe Chikadaya confirmed the incident and claimed that Jaw Breaker soiled his trousers and lost his mind for a moment. Simbarashe said:
“Jaw Breaker claimed he had seen a ghost and appeared to lose his mind. He even soiled his trousers.”
Chavhunduka was later tracked down to Western Triangle where he stays. Chavhunduka said:
“Jaw Breaker ko sei kusandibvunzawo kuti nhai makafa here?
“Aiwa, haisi mhosva yako ndakatombosangana na Jojola kuborehole achida kunditiza three weeks after anzwa kuti ndakafa ndakavigwa kumusha, aiwa vanhu musandidarowo ndirimupenyu veduwe. JoJola aitoti komudhara uyo arikudei kuHarare iye wakavigwa kumusha?
“The person who spread rumours of my death and collected money is very dangerous to society. It has the potential to harm people who believe I am dead sezvo pavanondiona vanotiza.”
A vendor at Western Triangle terminus said they don’t know why people spread such rumours.
“Aiwa Wastaki mupenyu, ndomuona achimbopfuura nepano, ariko.”