111-year-old Gogo Kahovhera Meets her Creator
Gogo Kahovhera leaves behind 13 children, 80 grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren.

ONE of the oldest persons believed to have been living in Zimbabwe, Gogo Milca Kahovhera, died yesterday, at the age of 111.
Born and raised in Mabvuku, Gogo Kahovhera leaves behind 13 children, 80 grandchildren and numerous great-grandchildren.
In an interview with The source Mr David Nakawale, the 12th son of Gogo Kahovhera, said she had died of old age.
“Hers was a story of a life well-lived. We are actually celebrating her promotion to glory. She has been with us for a very long time. We are very grateful to God for giving her such a long life on earth.
Gogo Kahovera died at her son’s house in Hatcliffe, Harare.
In December last year, Gogo Kahovhera, then 110, underwent a successful dynamic hip screw operation at Harare’s Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.
During an interview with ZBC, she said she was an avid Church of Central Africa Presbyterian member and could still read her Bible without glasses.