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Online Dating: 5 Easy Steps to Know if She's Married

If she's married, she might also be super secretive about her relationship status.

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If you're wondering whether the lady you're seeing is married or not, I've got some tips for you.

First things first, check out her ring finger. If there's a ring on it, chances are she's taken. But hold your horses, some women might take off their ring when they're out with someone else, so don't jump to conclusions just yet.

Next up, do some social media stalking. If she's married, she might not have any pics of her hubby or fam on her profiles. She might also be super secretive about her relationship status. Sneaky, I know.

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Now, pay attention to her schedule. If she's married, she might be vague about when she's free to hang out. And making plans too far in advance? Forget about it.

If she's always checking her phone or acting nervous around you, that could be a red flag. She might be hiding something, like a husband perhaps?

Last but not least, just ask her directly. It's the easiest way to find out. If she's honest, she'll tell you the truth. If not, well, you might want to reconsider the whole thing.


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