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Makandiwa: I'm More Gifted Than God

Makandiwa's statement has divided the people with his ardent followers defending him while the critics are feasting.

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Prominent Zimbabwean cleric Emmanuel Makandiwa claimed that he is more gifted than God in a clip that has gone viral on social media.

Makandiwa is quoted as saying,

“I'm more gifted than God. And God himself knows it.”

The statement has divided social media with some of his ardent followers saying his critics didn't comprehend his message.

Tinotenda Amanda said:

Comprehension is the problem. You are taking it as “ makandiwa said he has more talent than God” . All good gifts are from God. God has been gifting us. Who can gift God? For everything we give he would have given us anyway

Gibson Sithole said:

This makes no sense nomatter how you try to defend it. God is the giver of gifts&how can He give what he does not have? He gives many different gifts to different ppl, so how can Makandiwa be more gifted than God? This is heresy

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Comic Doctor went overdrive:

Makandiwa is slowly replacing prophet Madungwe.

Jealousy Mawarire an ardent follower tried to defend his papa

Taurai Hondo questioned Makandiwa's giftedness:

Whether Makandiwa's statement is correct or not; blasphemous or not; boastful or not, it is up to the individual.


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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