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Video: Pastor Chows Woman Infront of Congregants

The pastor removed his shirt and started the healing session by eating the lady’s breast and chest

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Video: Pastor Chows Woman Infront of Congregants

Healing process goes wrong as Congolese pastor sucks a woman’s breast to heal hear from cancer.

The unknown pastor is from Congo. At a recent church service, he called on all women who were suffering from cancer to come front.

He appeared to be with the holy spirit, he declared that he was going to heal them instantly in front of the cameras and congregants.

A lady then stepped forward to go and receive healing of breast cancer.

The lady was asked to raise her red top. The Congolese pastor went on to remove his shirt and he started the healing session by eating the lady’s breast and chest, in front congregants.

Strangely the congregants started shouting seven hallelujah.

Video: Pastor Chows Woman Infront of Congregants

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Shockingly the woman was not surprised by the pastors act and began holding the the leader of the church happy and smiling.


A video of an alleged father’s reaction after watching her daughter’s indecent displays on social media has sparked outrage.

A man was scrolling through his friends status on WhatsApp only to stumble upon a video of his own daughter twerking almost half nak£d during a wild party with her associates.

The man was so furious that he couldn’t let it slide. As soon as the girl came home, he didn’t waste time to descend on her.

While some people praised the father for instilling some discipline on his daughter, many others condemned him for doing so in a harsh manner.


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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