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Busted! Liquor Outlets Face New $400 Fines

Say goodbye to the measly US$30 slap on the wrist—it's now Level 7, a whopping US$400

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Busted! Liquor Outlets Face New $400 Fines

Harare: The Cabinet just dropped the mic on liquor outlets! Brace yourselves, party people, because things are about to get wild.

So, here's the scoop: US$400 fines are now raining down like confetti on any cheeky bar owners who dare to break the rules. Yep, you heard it right! If your watering hole decides to play fast and loose with the license conditions, they'll be coughing up some serious cash.

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Our very own Minister of Information, Publicity, and Broadcasting Services, Jenfan Muswere, spilled the tea during a post-Cabinet media briefing. 724 liquor joints were under the microscope. And guess what? 124 of 'em got caught red-handed.

But wait, there's more! The Cabinet cranked up the drama by leveling up the fines. Say goodbye to the measly US$30 slap on the wrist—it's now Level 7, baby! That's a whopping US$400 or the glittering Zimbabwe Gold equivalent. And if you're feeling rebellious, you might even score a cozy cell for up to two years.

Busted! Liquor Outlets Face New $400 Fines

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Hold onto your hats, because this operation wasn't just about fines. The cops went all action-movie style and busted 48 drug bases! Minister Muswere said they've got 2,373 individuals in their sights, and they're not backing down.

Muswere said: “Joint operations involving the Liquor Licensing Board and the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) were conducted resulting in 724 liquor premises being inspected, out of which 124 outlet owners were arrested for violating licence conditions.”

“Cabinet also approved the upward review of the fine from Level 5 of US$30 to Level 7 which is US$400 or the ZIG equivalent or imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years.”

Muswere added:

“The fight against the scourge of drug and substance abuse is continuing across all provinces of the country. Monitoring, surveillance, and law enforcement activities continue with a total of 2 373 individuals having been arrested while 48 bases were identified, raided, and destroyed in six provinces, namely: Harare (10), Manicaland (25), Mashonaland Central (6), Matabeleland North (3), Mashonaland West (2) and Midlands (2).”

Drugs Linked to 90% of Mental Health Illnesses in Zim

Commonly abused drugs in Zimbabwe include alcohol, cannabis (mbanje/marijuana), crystal meth (mutoriro), heroin, and glue.


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