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Lebo M Finds Muthi Darted Around the House

Lebo M has called various traditionalists who have confirmed that it is indeed muthi that was found at his home.

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Lebo M Finds Muthi Darted Around the House

Lebo M, a Grammy-winning producer and music writer has kicked estranged wife Pretty Samuels-Morake from their marital home, a posh estate in Midrand.

Her belongings are packed and kept in boxes in the double garage of his mansion while he demands the return of the Mercedes Benz he brought for her.

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A close source told ZiMoja that after Pretty dropped the car on Sunday evening at a shopping complex nearby, Lebo M dashed off to collect it.

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The next day, Lebo’s staff members were instructed to pack her belongings in boxes for her to collect. It was at this time, the helper and his assistant found muthi stashed away in the corners.

An insider revealed:

It was the assistant who saw a plastic bag full of weird-smelling stuff. She thought it was bath salts, but the helper told her, it might not be.

When she showed Mr M, he was shocked and in utter disbelief that the woman he loved did not declare that she might be using muthi.

Well, that’s if it belongs to her. But he also wasn’t sure, but they continued to look around the house.

The insider says, on a tree on the west wing, they found something peculiar hanging from a branch.

It was just so weird. It was almost like someone had intentionally put it there.

Lebo M Finds Muthi Darted Around the House

The source says the muthi resembles African traditional cleaning medicines.

Pink salts, blue salts, and some stuff that you put under your tongue and mouth – according to instructions.

He adds that Lebo M has called various traditionalists who have confirmed that it is indeed muthi that was found at his home.

But they are not sure of the intentions or why the muthi is there. But he is not bothered. He doesn’t care much about that sort of thing.

He is highly protected, he knows. People have advised him to go for cleansing and all of that, but he is not bothered.


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