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Jealous Wife Attack's Hubby's Lover with Machete

Delia was restrained then taken to the police while Ellen was rushed to the hospital to get treatment.

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Jealous Wife Attack's Hubby's Lover with Machete

A Domboshava woman has found herself facing the wrath of the law after she attacked her husband’s lover with a machete for the affair.

This has left the other woman battling for her life in the hospital.

A resident of Domboshava made her court appearance yesterday on charges related to an altercation with another woman whom she suspected of involvement with her spouse.

Delia Mukonyora, aged 38, stood before regional magistrate Mr Stanford Mammbanje, facing allegations of attempted murder.

She has been remanded in custody until Thursday, pending a bail application.

According to the state prosecutor, Mr Lancelot Mutsokoti, the incident occurred on Saturday when Mukonyora approached Ellen Malungisa, accusing her of having an affair with her husband.

It is not yet shared what the other woman’s response was or how the fight escalated.

Subsequently, Mukonyora proceeded to assault Malungisa with a machete, inflicting several injuries before being restrained by members of the public.

The people who restrained Delia were the ones who then took her to the police while Ellen was rushed to the hospital to get treatment.

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As a result of the attack, Ms Malungisa sustained injuries requiring medical attention and is currently receiving treatment in a hospital.

Recently, four women were thrown into prison after they attacked and hit a woman for allegedly sleeping with a married man.

Jealous Wife Attack's Hubby's Lover with Machete

The four who trended on social media after a video was taken and shared were arrested and found guilty of assault.

The public has been urged by the police to not resort to violence when they feel wronged.


Yesterday, controversial social media personality Tatenda Karigambe, famed in the streets as Queen Tatelicious raised allegations that Wicknell's wife was cheating on him.

Tatelicious alleges that his friend Tazvi Mhaka is smashing his wife:

Wikinel can never dare to respond to me. Never! Anozviitira Kedha Oli.

If Wikinel starts with me, kungomwaya s_x tape ra Sonja his wife na Tazvi (besty waWiky).

Tatelicious revealed the person who whispered the rumour to her:

Tazvi ita hlooooo ku tyoka chaiko. Handisi wekwa Chivayo ini🤣🤣🤣 Pedzerana na Moblessing sister yaWicknel. She is my Source!


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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