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Land Barons: Harare Woman Fights for Her Land

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Land Barons: Harare Woman Fights for Her Land

Harare, Zimbabwe – Getrude Dumba is fighting a battle that no one should ever have to face. Her story is one of courage, fear, and the harsh realities of standing up for what’s right in a world where power often overshadows justice.

Getrude, a land developer, thought she had secured her future when she legally purchased a piece of land in the capital.

She followed all the rules, dotted every i and crossed every t, believing that her hard work and due diligence would protect her. But soon, her dream turned into a nightmare.

Enter Gilbert Bgwende, a businessman whose name has become synonymous with controversy in Harare.

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Accused of using his influence to unlawfully grab land, Bgwende has allegedly set his sights on Getrude’s property.

Despite her legal ownership, Getrude claims she’s been threatened and intimidated to give up her land. Getrude shared, her voice trembling with emotion:

I followed all the necessary procedures to purchase this land, but now I am being threatened to give it up. I fear for my life.

Her story epitomises the dangers faced by ordinary citizens when powerful figures allegedly bend the rules to suit their agendas.

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Land Barons: Harare Woman Fights for Her Land

Bgwende’s reputation precedes him. A leaked memo from Harare City Council’s Acting Human Shelter Services Director, Edgar Dzehonye, paints a troubling picture.

The memo accuses Bgwende of corrupting city officials, leading to disciplinary actions, dismissals, and even imprisonments.

It also references a chilling incident in 2019, where Bgwende allegedly shot and injured a man in Highfield Probation Area using a 9mm pistol.

Despite these allegations, Bgwende maintains his innocence. He said:

I know there are people trying to tarnish my image. As for the shooting case, I was acquitted.

But for Getrude and others who feel targeted, his words offer little comfort.

The issue of land barons in Harare is not new. Many, with alleged ties to the ruling Zanu PF party, have been accused of illegally seizing land, including protected wetlands.

Their actions have left countless home seekers in despair, their dreams crushed when illegally acquired properties are demolished by authorities.


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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