Man Strangles Son Over Paternity Misunderstanding With Wife

Zaka based Man killed his toddler son after having an argument with wife over paternity issue.
The incident is said to have happened around 11 am in Machele Village when Edson Jere aged 24 reportedly strangled his son Anesu Mudombi when the wife Martha Mudambi had gone to fetch water.
Charity Mazula, Masvingo police spokesperson said the cause of death was proved after the police conducted a postmortem.
“We received a report of murder involving a one-year-old boy and when the body was taken to Musiso Mission Hospital mortuary for post mortem the results showed that the boy died after being strangled to death, she said
The couple had a dispute about the paternity of the child.
These paternity arguments are the reason why paternity tests are now free as in the case of Global DNA Zimbabwe which opened a branch in Bulawayo early 2017 offering the free service upon vetting if the people seeking the services are poor seeking the truth about parentage.