Gaffa Fans Petition For New Christmas Hit Song From Winky D

Gaffa fans have come up with a petition appealing to Winky D and the Vigilance band for a new Christmas hit song by 10 November.
The Musician has been quiet since the hit single Mugarden was released much earlier this year
Fans are waiting anxiously for a new song from Winky D and have decided to push for a petition campaigning for a new album as the festive season is around the corner.
Winky D is well known for producing a new album towards Christmas and fans can't wait for the musician to come up with yet another song.
The petition reads:
We want a new song from Winky D and Vigilance Band by 10 November 2019. Failing to do so we will petition SADC, AU, EU and the rest of the international community. We as law-abiding citizens, we are affected emotionally, physically, spiritually, socially and SEXUALLY by the delay of new music release. We that our privilege is being infringed. Our hashtag for the noble cause is #noNGOMAnoWORK
At the time of going to print, 320 people had signed the petition.
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