Police Deploy for Back-to-School

Police have assured parents and schoolchildren travelling in and around Harare that they will be out to ensure the safety of learners.
Schools open tomorrow for the first term of 2020, and most boarders travel today.
Acting police spokesperson for Harare Province Assistant Inspector Webster Dzvova told The Herald yesterday that officers will be deployed at schools to stop thieves raiding vehicles parked on-premises. Thieves have targeted school car parks in the past.
“Police officers will be deployed at all pick-up points in and around the greater Harare.
“We want the back-to-school preparations to be smooth and peaceful. As schools open on January 14, we are going to deploy officers at all schools so that criminals will not take advantage of those parents who would be busy inside with their children and steal from their vehicles,” he said.
He called on schools to allow parents to deposit tuition fees in banks to avoid them travelling with lots of cash.
Asst Insp Dzvova appealed to drivers to be extremely cautious and alert on the road and avoid unnecessary loss of lives.
The Herald
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