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Family Waits for Pastor's Resurrection for 2 Years

The ministry's website claims that in 2003, Caid Bailey became the first person raised from the dead at Moodley’s meetings.

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A South African pastor who died on 14 August 2021 was buried on 16 March 2023, almost two years later, as family members awaited his resurrection.

The body of Siva Moodley was kept at a mortuary until the funeral home obtained a court order to bury him. His immediate family allegedly did not give the instruction for burial or cremation as they believed he would be resurrected. He was buried at Westpark Cemetery in Johannesburg.

Ryan Brown, a claims manager at Martin’s Funerals Roodepoort, said that Moodley was buried in a dignified manner in the presence of siblings and extended family.

Between 40 and 50 people attended the funeral service and burial, which a pastor conducted. It is understood that his wife and two adult children were not in attendance.

According to court documents Martin’s Funerals Fourways and Roodepoort approached the court for an order because Moodley’s immediate family did not claim his body for almost 600 days after his death.

Nor had his family provided consent for the burial or cremation of Moodley’s body, and the funeral home stored his body in a coffin at a refrigerated mortuary in Johannesburg.

The funeral home said the City of Johannesburg representatives visited the mortuary in December 2022 and indicated that future notices could be issued as they considered Moodley’s remains a health risk.

The funeral home made 28 attempts to contact Moodley’s wife and children to obtain instructions. This included emails, more than 40 WhatsApp messages and attorney’s letters.

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In February, the Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg granted an order authorising the sheriff of the court to sign all necessary documents for Moodley’s cremation.

The order was suspended for a month so that it could be served to Moodley’s immediate family. It was understood that his wife did not oppose the application and that no response was received from her after the order was granted.

The funeral home said it did not want to infringe on people’s religious beliefs, but that they also had to follow the law in terms of health regulations.


According to the court papers, Moodley’s wife allegedly told the undertaker she had a vision that he could be resurrected. The family’s alleged notion that Moodley could be resurrected appeared to align with their religious beliefs.

According to Moodley’s website, it is normal to see radical healings like blind eyes and deaf ears opening, legs growing, and cancers/tumours disappearing in this ministry.

The website further claims that in 2003, Caid Bailey became the first person raised from the dead at Moodley’s meetings. In 2013, a baby who died before birth was also “raised to life in a miracle service after Dr Siva prayed for the mother in a coma”.

“Supernatural weight loss” also occurred at The Miracle Centre in Randburg, where “kilograms instantly fell off people.“


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