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Mudiwa Distances Self from Mutarisi-Java Tiff

Mudiwa apologised to Mutarisi saying he was only seeking a peaceful resolution to the matter.

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Mudiwa Distances Self from Mutarisi-Java Tiff

Mudiwa Hood has distanced himself from the escalating beef between Nash Paints CEO, Tinashe Mutarisi and charlatan Panganai “Passion” Java.

In a long post on X (formerly Twitter), Mudiwa apologised to Mutarisi saying he was only seeking a peaceful resolution to the matter.

Tinashe Mutarisi: Passion Java & Mudiwa Tormenting Me

Ironically, Mudiwa claims to be apolitical with zero interest in politics and says he's not built to fight or sabotage anyone.

Mudiwa goes on to congratulate Baba Harare on successfully launching his album “Prove Them Wrong” and offers to buy the album.

Read full statement below:

Whoever finds me at fault between Prophet Passion and Mukoma Tinashe Mutarisi Saga, kindly accept my apology…and from the deepest part of my heart…Please take me off these conversations… my deepest apologies for trying to help. 

I genuinely thought peace could be worked out, and solution be found to solve their differences but… it didn’t work.

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Mukoma Tinashe Mutarisi I apologize for whatever it is, you thought i did or said, which we all know i said nothing bad to you…,but it seems you were not happy with me, in that video you posted…My apologies.

I am apolitical with Zero interest in politics, i had good intentions to find two brothers i know deeply, getting along.

Nommatter, who i hang out, know or befriend…I AM BUILT DIFFERENTLY…I have principles, and i stick to them.

I am not built to fight, argue or sabotage others, whether through words or actions, I am peacemaker, Do i regret playing that role, No… such is life… you win sometimes you get burnt. Thats LEADERSHIP! 

If you come to my page and find me belittling anyone, sabotaging anyone, or disrespecting anyone… it is hacked… God is love… 

Mudiwa Distances Self from Mutarisi-Java Tiff

When misunderstood, I quickly take responsibility and apologize, I value relationships and not an inch of pride will stop me from that. 

May be with time 😞 Mukoma Mutarisi will come out of his emotions and clear my name. 

To Baba Harare, well done on the new Project “Prove them wrong”, you out did your self… well done….would have loved to buy the album from you mukoma to show my love and support but guess am not your favourite, will still buy and support, all the best Mukoma.


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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