Corpus Christi Sunday Reflections: The Miracle of Love
In Exodus 24:3-8 we recount the covenant between God and the Israelites, sealed with blood. Today, we celebrate a new covenant—the Eucharist. In Hebrews 9:11-15 we see Jesus Christ being referred to as the high priest who offers His own blood for our redemption. Then Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 describes the Last Supper, where Jesus instituted the Eucharist.
What is this Eucharist? Imagine a secret garden where heaven touches earth. That's the Eucharist. The bread and wine transform into Corpus Christi – Christ's body and blood – though their appearance remains unchanged. It's like God's love, hidden in plain sight—a divine mystery.
Our intellect seeks answers, but faith takes us beyond reason. In 2 Corinthians 5:7 we are reminded that “We walk by faith, not by sight.” Can we be humble enough to believe in miracles?
Corpus Christi Sunday Reflections: The Miracle of Love
The Eucharist is the heart of God's Church, beating with Christ's love. When we receive Communion, we encounter Jesus—the living Bread. It's not just a symbol; it's an intimate encounter.
We trust that God can work miracles. We surrender your doubts and intellect. We believe that the ordinary becomes extraordinary. We receive the love of God.
Today, as we celebrate Corpus Christi, let's embrace the mystery. The Eucharist isn't just a ritual; it's an invitation to encounter Love Himself. So, come to the table, take and eat, take and drink—the miracle of God's love awaits you.