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High Court Judge Sends Pictures of His Manhood to Colleague

"I wanted to tell him that the pictures he had sent me are putting me under a lot of stress" - Andiswa Mengo

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High Court Judge Sends Pictures of His Manhood to Colleague

The hearing by the Judicial Conduct Tribunal on a sexual harassment complaint by Eastern Cape High Court Secretary Andiswa Mengo against Eastern Cape High Court Judge President Selby Mbenenge continued today and revealed how the accused sent pictures of a penis to victim.

Mengo explained that she was annoyed by the images of the private parts and the constant advances, despite not being entertained.

It was getting annoyed being asked the same thing over and over. He sent hearts and he expected me to respond by sending my pictures. It was very annoying,” she testified.

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Mengo also explained that she was not impressed by Mbenenge's constant request of nude pictures from her.

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He would continue sending messages. He did not stop,” Mengo lamented.

High Court Judge Sends Pictures of His Manhood to Colleague

Asked by evidence leader, Salome Scheepers, why she had requested Mbenenge to, please write about GBV for her when he ran out of sleep, Mengo said, “I wanted his opinion on GBV, particularly the abuse of women and children. I wanted to make him aware that I did not like them.”

Making reference to a picture of a half naked woman, Scheepers asked Mengo how it made her feel and she replied: “I felt naked. My emotions were torn. I wanted to tell him that the pictures he had sent me are putting me under a lot of stress.”

The proceedings as were adjourned to Monday due to the translator citing that she was losing her voice and her brain was tired.


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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