It is the most dangerous attitude in a human being.
#1 It does not allow you to learn from others, when you are being told something tonzwa waakuti “Ndozviziva hangu” yet you didn't know anything.
#2 It does not allow you to be corrected when you are wrong hanzi “vaakuda kuzviita ndivo vazivi, vana holy” yet they are helping you to be in the right way
#3 It does not allow you to respect others and to maintain your dignity hanzi “ivo vanongoda kumhoreswa everyday vakoshei, plus hazvina zvazvinondipa futi” yet you are suppose to live a Christian life out there.
#4 It does not allow you to be humble enough in front of those who might want to help you to be a better person “haaa inini handinyengerere ini, ndingatode kuitiswa all in the name of a job,Maya ngazvigare hazvo” yet you are jobless,moneyless,clotheless and you need upkeep,ndoo paunoramba kuzvininipisa pamberi pe arikuda kukupa basa. Ucharamba wakadaro.
#5 It does not allow you to rise from where you are because you reject every good idea that will take you far, you reject the people sent by God to lift you up hanzi “haa inini i don't need anyone in my life,I only need God zvangu zvinenge zvatoita” you lie my Friend, even God needed Moses to rescue Israelites, even God needed Jesus Christ to die for His people
And the most painful part of PRIDE is that you don't know kuti unayo, chero ukaudzwa unotoramba uchiti arikukuudza ndiye anayo, it's a shame.
Mwari ngavatibatsire mweya wekuzvikudza ubude matiri.Amen