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How To Stop A Car When One Of The Tyres Bursts At Over 100km/Hr

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Tips to stop a car when one of the tires explodes when speed exceeds 100 km/h

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  1. First tip:
    When a tyre explodes try to stay as calm as possible and hold the steering wheel firmly with both hands.
  2. Second tip:
    It's the most important keep your foot off the brakes and don't push it at all. Don’t even look at the brake pedal, don’t even think about it.
  3. Third tip:
    Stay on your path and try not to change it or get out of anyone’s way, stay on a path as straight as possible.
  4. Fourth tip:
    If your car has a manual transmission, gradually change to a lower BUT ONLY do so if you feel that the car is completely under control.
    If your car has an automatic transmission, stay in the Drive (D) gear DO NOT change.
  5. Fifth tip:
    Don't use brakes, the drag from the exploded tire will slow you down.
  6. Sixth advice:
    When speed drops to 50 km/h, you can gently press the brakes until the car stops

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