Fuel Price Hike Effective 7th September 2023
Both petrol and diesel prices have increased marginally.

Fuel Price Hike Effective 7th September 2023
The Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority has announced a significant fuel price increase.
The pump price of diesel rose by 11c to US$1.76 per litre, up from US$1.65.
Petrol prize is now US$1.65, up from US$1.61 an increase of 4c.
The price review is with effect from 7th September 2023.

The Prime Minister of apartheid Israel Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the immediate deportation of all African refugees in Israel in a violation of international laws.
The embassy of the state of Palestine said on Monday that it condemns the excessive use of force and racism against African refugees by Israeli forces which left over 150 Africans severely injured from the fire of Israeli forces.
Exchange Rate is Prime Driver of Price Increases
Netanyahu has also bragged about a segregation wall and fence that Israel built on the eastern and southern border to prevent African refugees into Israel.