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Zimbabwe’s Currency Chaos: RBZ Cracks Down on Shops

The Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) will expand its operations beyond Harare to other provinces.

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Zimbabwe’s Currency Chaos: RBZ Cracks Down on Shops

In what feels like a classic case of “shoot the messenger,” the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has decided to double down on its blitz against shops across the country.

This is because apparently, shops are the bad guys for not enthusiastically embracing the ZiG, Zimbabwe’s latest attempt at a local currency.

Never mind the fact that Zimbabweans have been burned by hyperinflation and currency collapses more times than they can count.

The RBZ, led by Governor Dr. John Mushayavanhu, has announced that its Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) will expand its operations beyond Harare to other provinces in 2025.

The goal is to enforce compliance with financial laws, including the use of the ZiG at the official exchange rate when pricing goods.

Because nothing says “economic stability” like sending out enforcers to slap heavy penalties on shops trying to survive in a broken system.

The government insists on a multicurrency system, which includes the ZiG, but shops and consumers aren’t exactly lining up to trust the local currency.

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Zimbabwe’s Currency Chaos: RBZ Cracks Down on Shops

Zimbabwe’s history with currency is like a bad relationship—full of empty promises and heartbreak.

But instead of addressing the root causes—like rebuilding trust, stabilizing the economy, or, you know, making the ZiG actually worth something—the RBZ is going full throttle on compliance.

Shops that don’t play ball will face heavy penalties, and the public is being encouraged to snitch on anyone not following the rules.

Dr. Mushayavanhu says the government expects “compliance” when it enacts policies. Sure, that sounds reasonable—except when the policies are out of touch with reality.

The RBZ’s move to expand its enforcement operations feels less like a solution and more like a distraction.

RBZ Claims ZiG Still Legally Valid

In the meantime, shops in Zimbabwe are stuck between a rock and a hard place: comply with unrealistic regulations or risk getting slapped with penalties.


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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