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Kadoma General Hospital Kitchen Up in Flames

The inferno is believed to have been caused by a faulty electrical pot.

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A FIRE believed to have started from an electrical fault has this morning ravaged Kadoma General Hospitals kitchen department.

The fire incident which occured around 5AM was put out by the local council’s fire brigade and there were no reports of deaths or injuries from the inferno. It is believed to have been caused by a faulty electrical pot.

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Members of the Civil Protection Unit (CPU) including Zimbabwe Republic Police and Public Works Department among others are on site.

Provincial CPU chairman, Mr Joesphat Jaji confirmed the incident adding a meeting with the doctors including the Provincial Medical Director (PMD) has been held for immediate solutions.

“An alternative to prepare food for the patients has been put in place while Public Works is expected to provide a shade with immediate effect. Kadoma City has also chipped in providing water and firewood.”


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