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8 Learners Hospitalised in Suspected Food Poisoning Case

A learner's parent, who had packed two lunch boxes, instructed her on how to share the food

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8 Learners Hospitalised in Suspected Food Poisoning Case

Murombedzi, Zimbabwe – A routine school day at Matoranhembe Primary School took a terrifying turn on June 7th, 2024, when eight pupils were rushed to Murombedzi Rural Hospital after suffering from severe vomiting and stomach pains.

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The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) is currently investigating a suspected case of food poisoning linked to a student’s lunch, and they believe the incident might have been deliberate. Fortunately, no deaths have been reported.

According to the statement issued by ZRP, the affected students fell ill after consuming rice and soup from a lunch box brought by one of their classmates. The incident has left the school community in shock, with parents and staff demanding answers.

“The pupils started vomiting and complained of intense stomach pains shortly after eating the food,” stated Commissioner Nyathi. “They were immediately taken to the hospital for urgent treatment.”

Preliminary police investigations have revealed that the lunch box in question was given to the student by her parent, who had packed two lunch boxes and provided instructions on how to share the food. The police suspect that the food may have been deliberately poisoned, raising serious concerns about the safety of schoolchildren.

8 Learners Hospitalised in Suspected Food Poisoning Case

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The eight affected pupils are currently receiving medical treatment at Murombedzi Rural Hospital. Hospital staff have reported that the children are stable and responding well to treatment, but they remain under close observation. Fortunately, no lives were lost in this alarming incident.

ZRP spokesperson Commissioner Paul Themba Nyathi said in a statement:

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police reports that investigations are underway in connection with a case of suspected food poisoning which occurred at Matoranhembe Primary School, Murombedzi, on 07th June 2024.

“Eight pupils allegedly started vomiting while complaining of stomach pains after they had consumed rice and soup, which had been packed in a lunch box. The pupils were ferried to Murombedzi Rural Hospital for treatment.

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“Investigations carried out by the police revealed that a fellow school pupil brought the lunch box which contained home-prepared food after being given two lunch boxes by her parent. The parent gave her instructions on how to share the food.

More details will be availed in due course as police inquiries continue.”


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