Form 4 Students in Brawl over New Lady Teacher

Form 4 Students in Brawl over New Lady Teacher
Harare yesterday witnessed what many have called insanity and mark of the end of the world.
This is a story of school boys belonging to two different gangs who fought cats and dogs in Mabvuku over a new female teacher, a dream that can never come to pass.
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According to witnesses, the boys started it all like a joke. The new female teacher walked into their class immediately after assembly and the boys behind were already saying lowly ‘muriwo uyu inyama ndewangu’ to mean this delicious soup is mine.
After introducing herself as Ms Ethel Nakamba, she walked out of the class and the form 4C pupils stood up peeping through the windows amazed at the figure amassed behind her. We will pass the boys clapped in class.
Form 4 Students in Brawl over New Lady Teacher
This was when one boy said she is mine, the class was laughing except for one guy in the corner who later stood up and said she cannot be yours because you do not even have simple goats.
The two started pushing each other until the devil touched his favorite button, violence and hell broke loose.
The pupils started hitting each other carelessly, the fight shifted outside, there was so much noise. Like real street thugs, the pupils continued to fight and insult.
Only the teachers with the help of some passerby came to separate these learners who reportedly belong to two different gangs which are notorious in the area
Meanwhile, the police managed to nab four pupils from the school in question and one officer refused to go until he met the new female teacher that caused the mess and he confirmed that the evidence was enough.