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War Veterans Rubbish ED’s 2030 Agenda

“How do you claim to be a constitutionalist and yet you host people at your farm to further these agendas?" - Blessing Geza, war veteran

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War Veterans Rubbish ED's 2030 Agenda

Zanu PF central committee member and war veteran, Blessing Runesu Geza, flanked by other senior war veterans at a Press conference in Harare called on his Zanu PF leader and President to pack his bags or face the wrath of the people.

It is clear to us that Mnangagwa has failed, he is not fit to run this country and his time to go is now.

“We ask him politely to let go, if he refuses to take heed of this advice, we have no option but to ask the people of Zimbabwe to deal with him in line with the Constitution,” Geza said.

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War veterans, who led the ouster of the late former President Robert Mugabe, are unhappy with attempts by Mnangagwa’s loyalists to extend his term of office.

War Veterans Rubbish ED's 2030 Agenda

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Mnangagwa has said he is a constitutionalist and will retire when his last term ends.

Geza claimed that all actions point to a “well-orchestrated” plan from the President’s Office for Mnangagwa to hang on to power.

How do you claim to be a constitutionalist and yet you host people at your farm to further these agendas?

“How do you claim not to be involved when your ministers appointed under your hand issue official statements from government in support of the illegal and dangerous 2030 agenda?

“We as war veterans are against this 2030 agenda, we cannot disrespect the voice of 90% of those who voted yes towards term limits. No — we can’t allow it,” he said.

Source: Newsday


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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