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Outspoken War Vet Blasts Agenda 2030 Proponents

“We know Garwe is stealing land from councils and his time will come" - Blessed Geza, war vet

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Outspoken War Vet Blasts Agenda 2030 Proponents

Outspoken war veteran and Zanu PF central committee member, Blessed Geza says Local Government minister Daniel Garwe is mentally unbalanced.

If you looked at his eyes while he was speaking, they looked like a torch, and from one glance, you can tell that he is not mentally balanced,” Geza told The Standard.

Asked if he has evidence that Garwe was a mental health patient, Geza said: “I can prove that in court. If he continues, I will beat him up. I will go to his office and thoroughly beat him.”

The firebrand war veteran, who was among the first people to boldly call for the ouster of Mugabe in 2017, said Garwe already has a place at Chikurubi Maximum Prison.

We know Garwe is stealing land from councils and his time will come. He should stop misleading people that I will be arrested, for what, I have gone through court processes and I was acquitted. This is what happens when someone like him forgets to take his pills.”

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Outspoken War Vet Blasts Agenda 2030 Proponents

Information minister Jenfan Muswere on Friday also attacked Geza for his comments. Geza said Muswere was being childishly excitable.


THE Zimbabwe Red Cross Society (ZRCS) management and former board have been accused of employing a number of dirty tactics and a host of other election rigging strategies to win elections that ushered a new board into office.

War Veterans Rubbish ED's 2030 Agenda

A new ZRCS board led by David Chaliyanika was elected in December last year during the organisation’s general assembly held in Kariba.

Other members of the new board include Emmaculate Chuma (vice-president), Bennard Sharara (vice-president) and Paradzayi Dakwa (honourary treasurer).


Person for people. Reader of writings. Writer of readings.

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