Tongai Gwaze Releases New Single Featuring Mathias Mhere

Tongai Gwaze who is known as Greater Man has released a wonderful single titled Kuita Kwavo Mwari featuring Mathias Mhere.
Kuita Kwavo Mwari is yet another breathtaking single from Tongai Gwaze which was released on the 7th of January and already has over 16 000 views on youtube.
The song talks about being grateful to the Lord for being there for your yields as he pours abundant grace in your life to such an extent that people will begin to understand the meaning of his glory.
Great Man's physical condition was somewhat a stumbling block to his success but the singer did not give up on his career and is thankful to God for helping him shine, unlocking doors that seemed impossible to open as well as being a shoulder to cry on in times of need.
 Great Man has mastered the art of featuring other artists well, its a great video just like Gegege which featured Loraine Guyo as well as Pandakazvarwa featuring Sulu Chimbetu. This is a must-watch video as it is deep with appreciation, encouraging people to believe in God as he has the power to pour many precious wonders in people's lives to the extent that people will begin to understand the meaning of his gloryÂ
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