Marriage: The Simple Things That We Forget
An A-to-Z guide on intimacy in marriage
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Here's an A-to-Z guide on how to turn your marriage from a battlefield and return the bliss that you started with.
- A: Always love your spouse.
If you don't love the one you share your dreams with, then those dreams will never be fulfilled.
- B: Believe in each other.
Unless you believe in each other, you will not find each other.
- C: Celebrate each other often.
Be the first to commend the good things your partner does. Their win is your win.
- D: Don't argue but always reason together.
Quell arguements by trying to mesh your partner's idea with yours. Let the two of you own the hybrid solutions that you come up with.
- E: Expect imperfections from your spouse.
Be patient and tolerant of your partner. They have weaknesses just you. At least talk about them and help each other get through it.
- F: Fix solutions to problems on time.
It's best to nip problems in the bud. Speak out before it's too late.
- G: Go for a walk together once a week.
A stroll in town, a theme park, or an leisurely place helps you to relax and open up to each other.
- H: Hold each other's hands often.
That physical contact is very important. Let your partner feel that you are physically present for them.
- I: Ignite the passion in your spouse daily.
There's many ways of igniting that passion for each other. You know what he/she desires.
- J: Just laugh over issues worth criticizing.
Sometimes instead of complaining over issues, just laugh them off and have a glass wine.
- K: Kill the spirit of unhealthy competition.
Remember your partner is supposed to compliment you and not compete against you. You are not in a duel, you are a duo.
- L: Let your spouse know your movements.
Be open about your movements. Being secretive and sneaky creates mistrust.
- M: Make love like newly wedded.
Do it like it's the first time. Freshen up things regularly. Be open to suggestions and make it about the two of you.
- N: No separate room for you both.
Your partner should not feel like they are living with a stranger. Let your items mix with theirs. Let them feel free to open your drawers.
- O: Oppose any intruder or third party.
Two is a couple, three is a crowd. The last thing you want is relatives, friends, churchmates, workmates interfering with your marriage. Let third parties help when you need them but put boundaries.
- P: Pray together always.
A family that prays together, stays together. Share in your spirituality. Be there for each other spiritually.
- Q: Quality time should be spent together.
Always create time for each other. Those dinner dates, movie nights, baecations, romantic weekends are options you can play around with.
- R: Resist every temptation of infidelity.
It's become fashionable to a taste of every attractive being we lay eyes on. However, it's the number one reason for breakups and divorce. Conquer the urge to do it and you have avoided a 1000 problems.
- S: Stay positive to each other's vision.
Even when things don't seem to be working out, do not give up on each other. Career goals, business or political ambitions mean something to them, then be supportive.
- T: Take no record of past offence.
Forgive and forget is easier than to keep bringing up issues from the past.
- U: Utilize every opportunity to bond.
Make every second that you are together, worth the moment.
- V: Visualize a glorious future together.
Keep dreaming together. Share the dream and shape together. Work together towards achieving it.
- W: Win each other's admiration daily.
Do something to excite him/her on a daily. Surprise them with those small things. Impress them with your latent talents.
- X: X-ray your lives together.
Cross-examine your life together. Look at the journey you have walked. Appreciate the victories and take joint responsibility for the bad decisions that you made.
- Y: Yell not at each other for any reason.
Never raise your voice at your partner. You know best how to get to him/her without shouting.
- Z: Zip your mouth when you're angry.
Never say things when you are angry. Walk out, take a walk, reflect on what happened, consider how you could have handled it better.