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Enzo Ishall Eating Crumbs from Mbinga's Table

The ZimDancehall chanter is seen making wry smiles whilst the mbingas are having lunch

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Enzo Ishall eating crumbs from Mbinga's table

In a video that is circulating on social media, chanter Enzo Ishall is seen waiting for crumbs from mbinga's table.

Youths Mock zimDancehall Artist Enzo 007

Enzo Ishall sits on the periphery of the table and is seen looking expectantly at the mbingas who include losing Zanu-PF candidate Scott Sakupwanya, Mike Chimombe, Wicknell Chivhayo who are having a lunch.

Enzo's demeanour and body language says it about the ‘Urikutsvireyiko' hit maker.

The wry smiles smacks of desperation to please ‘vatengi vedoro'.

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Enzo Ishall eating crumbs from Mbinga's table

Social media users have questioned why Enzo a respectable artist is lowering himself to such an extent.

Enzo Ishall who sang ‘Urikutsvireyiko' a song in which he denigrated the kinds of relationships where people subordinate themselves to rich guys who abuse them isn't living to his standards.

The chanter also did a collaboration with Winky D on the Eureka Eureka album where he mocks these mbingas but it appears he's secretly licking their boots.


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