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ZACC To Probe Magaya’s UNISA Certificates

Magaya claims to have obtained a diploma and doctorate from the UNISA.

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ZACC To Probe Magaya's UNISA Certificates

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) has initiated a fraud investigation into Walter Magaya following concerns about the validity of a diploma he presented to the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) and the High Court.

ZACC has requested ZIFA to provide the documents Magaya submitted during his application to contest in last month’s ZIFA executive committee elections.

UNISA To Take Legal Action Against Walter Magaya

Additionally, ZACC has reached out to the Judicial Service Commission to obtain records from Magaya’s High Court case, where he challenged ZIFA’s decision to disqualify him from the elections due to not having five O’ Levels.

The focus of the investigation is a marketing diploma that Magaya claims to have obtained from the University of South Africa (UNISA).

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ZACC To Probe Magaya's UNISA Certificates

However, the university has denied issuing the diploma, asserting that Magaya was never a student there.

Magaya had submitted a certified copy of the diploma, authenticated by Waterfalls police, to support his claim of having a qualification beyond the required O’ Levels for the ZIFA position.

UNISA Confirms Magaya's PhD and Diploma are Fake

UNISA released a statement on January 29, confirming that Magaya had never been enrolled at the institution and that any certificates he presents claiming to be from UNISA are fraudulent.

Magaya, the founder of Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministry, is also the owner of Yadah Stars Football Club, which competes in Zimbabwe’s Premier Soccer League.


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