Concerns About Senator Thokozani Khupe Health
Dr Thokozani Khupe, a Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) senator was sworn in today at the new Parliament in Mt Hampden but what grabbed the attention of most people is her frail figure.
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Having suffered breast cancer before, the politician seems to be battling the deadly disease once again.
Citizens have expressed their concerns about Dr. Khupe’s health. Citizen Lyncoln tweeted:
I pray that Dr. Khupe is not suffering a resurgence of cancer.
Dr Thokozani Khupe launched the Thokozani Khupe Cancer Foundation a decade ago and has been advocating to save as many cancer patients.
Khupe lost one breast to cancer and said that stigma affects a lot of cancer patients including those with HIV/AIDS.
Concerns About Senator Thokozani Khupe Health
Speaking during a ceremony to handover rehabilitated facilities at Mpilo Central Hospital in 2011, Khupe said.
There is a need to have a positive attitude towards these diseases because, here I am today with cancer and one breast.
During the time when I was diagnosed with cancer, some anonymous person sent a letter suggesting I should see a prophet, but I said to myself, two things were important and I still insist that medication and spirituality are important.
Yes, I have cancer and now one breast, so what? It is not something to be shy about.
When I am with my family that is when people realise I have only one breast. But when I am not at home, I make sure I pad myself so that I look like I have both of my breasts when in reality I do not.