GoZ Fails to Pay ZiG Salaries & Bonuses
The Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) has voiced strong dissatisfaction over the government’s failure to pay the local currency portion of their November salaries and bonuses.
ZIMTA President Akuneni Maphosa criticized the omission, stating it has caused significant financial strain and raised concerns about the government’s commitment to honouring its contractual obligations.
“The local currency component is a crucial part of our agreed salary package. Its exclusion from the November payments is a breach of the employment agreement and undermines the trust between the employer and employees,” Maphosa said.
The union has demanded immediate payment of the missing amount, an official explanation for the oversight, and a meeting to address the concerns of teachers.
“We hope the employer takes this issue seriously and resolves it promptly to restore trust and prevent further grievances,” Maphosa added.
ZIMTA warned that if the matter is not addressed within five days, they will consider escalating the issue, including legal action or collective measures.
GoZ Fails to Pay ZiG Salaries & Bonuses
Maphosa emphasized that teachers are dedicated to their work and deserve to receive their full and timely remuneration.
A recent online trend has sparked heated debates after two members of the Ama2k group engaged in a threesome with a woman and flaunted it on social media.
The duo orchestrated the encounter, which culminated in an explicit video. The Ama2k boys coordinated a meeting point for the tryst and proceeded with their plans.
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The session proved exhausting for all parties involved. While one of the boys and the woman succumbed to sleep, the other remained awake, taking selfies to showcase their exploits.
His caption read: “Don’t believe anyone claiming I’ve never had a threesome.”