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Econet Subscribers forcibly subjected to Sasai Spam Messages.

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Being an Econet subscriber is hard! It means involuntarily giving away your personal information and you are subject to never-ending spam messages. Especially with the introduction of their new application Sasai and Yomix.

The irony is it had to happen during the customer service week.

If you are an Econet subscriber and haven’t received the Your Friend x is using Sasai to pay, chat and explore. Join them on Sasai its free message then you are a lucky customer.

Almost every person I know using Econet is complaining about their spam messages this week, continuously coming in of fake friends they claim have joined and are now using sasai. I then logged into my twitter account to discover that a number of Econet Subscribers are complaining about the same thing and are not happy’.

This is not the first time people have complained about Econet using their position as network providers to spam users. Before Sasai there was Yomix application messages with a fake promotion valid the same day every day coming through , with Sasai they have gone too far.

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Not only do subscriber get the notification but the Sasai promoters do not even care to differentiate between those who have downloaded the app and those who have not. I thought if I just download the app they will let me enjoy my peace but still every time I buy airtime I receive a promotional message of downloading the sasai application. Seriously how many times should I subject my bundles to continuously downloading your Sasai application?

This kind of over-promotion is not pleasant ,Econet please take heed.

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