Controversial summer time wear
Summertime is upon us making way for a brighter and more colorful attires but Nevertheless, summer dressing has always brought with it a fair share of controversy as young women of this generation have taken summer dressing to the next level wearing clothes that are too revealing which are said to be the latest trends.
Young women nowadays wear clothes that expose knees, thighs, and cleavage moving from the past when women used to wear dresses that fluttered the figure covering a great deal of skin.
Old African clothing is now considered to be scandalous and not measuring up to pop culture as different summer outfits are being unleashed into society inspired by western celebrities' way of dressing at red carpet events with clothing that reveal all the private parts.
The theme that young girls are running with during the summer season is #few layers of fabric on a hot day meaning heavy clothing is abandoned opting for mini skirts, short tight dresses, bum shorts and crop tops making themselves exhibitionists for their male counterparts.
Summer comes with events such as parties, award ceremonies and various corporate events where the latest fashion trends are unleashed abusing summer wear to become more sexy and stylish.